Γιατροί του Κόσμου Ελλάδας-Vote for Health
News - 28.03.2024

Vote for Health

Spend less than 1 minute of your time & support the Polyclinic of Médecins du Monde in Thessaloniki in the TEXAN ENVIPCO Group contest.


Médecins du Monde has reached the final stage of the TEXAN ENVIPCO Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility competition, and now it is up to you to support their work by voting for the proposal to support the Social Polyclinic of Thessaloniki by Friday 31 May.

With 3 simple steps, you too can make a substantial contribution so that Médecins du Monde can continue to support socially vulnerable people in the municipalities of metropolitan Thessaloniki, providing them with primary health care, psychosocial services and “street intervention” for their access to appropriate health services.

With your vote, Médecins du Monde will be able to maintain and upgrade their facility in Thessaloniki “green” and digitally, to be always present wherever people are.

Unrestricted access to health care for all is an essential human right.

And MdM Polyclinic in Thessaloniki needs you.


Voting time:
until 31/05/2024 at 12:00pm


Médecins du Monde is the only medical humanitarian organisation from Civil Society to make it to the final stage in the category in which it is competing.