With such a boat that stands not in a harbor but on the flooded road that you used to cross to go to Metamorphosis of Palamas Karditsa, the 80-year-old Mr. Kostas rescued 15 of his fellow villagers with self-denial. The boat is still tied up there as it is the only way to get to the village, carrying food and essentials to the only couple remaining in the area.
The Mobile Health Units of MdM-Greece, after Farsala and Larissa, are at the side of the flood victims in the wider area of Palamas Karditsa, visiting the temporary accommodation of the affected people who were left homeless in Palamas as well as the flood-damaged neighborhoods and provided their services. The images of the destruction our teams saw are unprecedented, unreal and the psycho-social impact of the damage is enormous.
Entire villages have been covered with water, roads have become rivers and in many areas there is no access. From one village to another, MdM-Greece teams are continuing their mission in the affected areas of Thessaly, offering assistance to the flood victims with an emphasis on protecting their health.
Sanitary conditions in these areas are not good at all, with a strong smell from contaminated water and sewage, hundreds of dead animals and oil. Trained MdM-Greece staff are making regular field visits and have delivered personal protection and hygiene items for the flood-affected residents. In addition, MdM-Greece teams provide protection instructions and inform residents about the appropriate EODY health prevention measures.