Athens, 03/01/2023
Α.Π: 215
Release of the Final Classification List for the Evaluation of Applications in the framework of the Call for Expression of Interest for the Selection of Personnel for the Homeless Shelter in the Municipality of Athens, of the Act, dated 15.12.2022 with reference number 204: “Existing Homeless Facility of the Municipality of Athens: Dormitory” with the ID code (MIS) 5002818, for the position of Cleaner
Following the 15.12.2022 with A.P.: 204 Call for Expression of Interest for the Selection of Staff for the Homeless Shelter in the Municipality of Athens, of the Act: “Existing Homeless Shelter of the Municipality of Athens: Dormitory” with the code MIS 5002818, in the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) of Attica 2014 – 2020, in Priority Axis 09, which is financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), Médecins du Monde – Greek Delegation for the position of Cleaner, MdM is preparing the final ranking list of the evaluated candidates.
Based on the ranking data mentioned in the Call of 15.12.2022 with reference number: 204, and after the recommendation of 28.12.2022 with reference number: 211 of the Application Evaluation Committee (EAC), which was established by the decision of 05.05.2020 with reference number: 142A of the Board of Directors of the Beneficiary, the applications were evaluated and the following final ranking list for the specialty of Cleaner was established.

In the final ranking table, for reasons of data protection, the first three letters of the applicant’s name and suffix, as well as the ID card number, are given as the reference identification code.