The boat of solidarity
The images of destruction in Thessaly are unprecedented and the impact of the damage is enormous. MdM-Greece continues its action.
Earthquake in Morocco
The situation is dramatic in Morocco, which on Saturday was hit by a 7 magnitude earthquake.
MdM-Greece on the side of the flood victims
For the immediate help and support of our fellow people affected in the areas destroyed by the storm Daniel
Social Polyclinic in Thessaloniki
Continuation of operation of Social Polyclinic in Thessaloniki, under the Operational Program of Central Macedonia 2021 – 2027
By the side of the fire-affected people
We support our fellow people affected by the devastating fires of the summer
The most violent year for humanitarian workers
Humanitarian and health workers continue to be targeted, kidnapped, criminalised, injured and sometimes even killed.
The painting that brought back bad memories
The beneficiaries of the Open Accommodation Center, A Step Forward of MdM-Greece had the opportunity to visit the gallery The Holy Art Athens.
Six months after the earthquake
Médecins du Monde Greece was in the affected areas from the very first moment, after the terrible earthquake
As long as you are here
A team of Médecins du Monde was immediately found near the fire affected people in North Corfu, in order to provide support.
NGO press conference on drug treatment
On the occasion of International Day Against Drug Abuse, MdM-Greece attended an NGO press conference on the next day for drug policy.
Volunteer Orientation Days
MdM-Greece hosted a group of 42 health and social science students from Auburn University in Alabama at Impact Hub Athens.
Shipwreck in Pylos
MdM co-signs an open letter on the tragic shipwreck, demanding a full and independent investigation into the events