Γιατροί του Κόσμου Ελλάδας-Social Polyclinic of Thessaloniki
Access to Health Care

Social Polyclinic of Thessaloniki

The Social Polyclinic of Médecins du Monde in Thessaloniki started operating in 2001 with the primary objective of providing primary health care, psychosocial support and emergency assistance to vulnerable social groups without discrimination, who face difficulties in accessing the public health system. It is located at 29A Ptolemaion Str and operates 5 days a week, weekdays 08:00-16:00.

The Thessaloniki Social Polyclinic of Médecins du Monde aims to protect the health of individuals, parents and children who face the risk of social deprivation or live in conditions of poverty and housing insecurity through the provision of a comprehensive package of medical and social services. More specifically, the beneficiaries of the Social Polyclinic of MdM-Greece are primarily the citizens of the Metropolitan Thessaloniki area and all persons seeking medical and social services in the wider area of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki who face serious socio-economic problems such as long-term unemployment, lack of income, precarious living conditions, lack of access or limited access to health services. Beneficiaries also include children living on the street, in hostels and child protection institutions or in precarious and temporary accommodation.


Médecins du Monde, following a holistic intervention that includes preventive care services, sexual and reproductive health, family planning, paediatric screening, vaccination coverage and social services, strive to ensure timely access to quality health services for people facing poverty and lack of income, and in this way prevent the burden of their health situation and the impact of social exclusion on their development.

At the same time, a mobile health unit expands the service delivery capabilities of the Thessaloniki Polyclinic, making excursions to areas and communities where homeless populations, Roma populations, people who abuse psychoactive substances and other “key populations” for public health are identified and performs health care operations, prevention, diagnosis of infectious diseases and immediate assistance, linking these groups to the fixed services of the Polyclinic, while at the same time providing them with housing, social care, integration into treatment programmes and the National Health System.

The Medical Mobile Unit is also used for visits to all the municipalities of Central Macedonia for health prevention, awareness raising and mass vaccination coverage both to the general population and to beneficiaries of social protection structures, municipal social services and schools. At the level of preparedness and response to emergency and urgent situations, the Medical Mobile Unit can assist with the required staffing to provide immediate assistance and relief to the affected communities.


The beneficiaries served by the Social Polyclinic of Thessaloniki belong to vulnerable social groups such as the poor, the long-term unemployed, the uninsured, the elderly, mothers and children, people in income poverty, Roma, foreign population with difficulty of access to health services and social care, etc. of the Metropolitan area of Thessaloniki and with the integration of the mobile can be used for the entire prefecture of Thessaloniki.

Continuation and strengthening of the Social Polyclinic of Médecins du Monde in Thessaloniki with the integration of a Mobile Health Unit

The project entitled “Continuation and strengthening of the Social Polyclinic of Médecins du Monde in Thessaloniki with the integration of a Mobile Health Unit“, with code 6001344, is being implemented under the “Central Macedonia” Programme 2021-2027, with funding from Greece and the European Union.

The aim is to continue providing primary health care and psychosocial support services, through the strengthening, expansion of the services already provided to the target groups and the integration of a mobile health unit. The basic services are as follows:

  • Provision of medical care with a general practitioner, dermatologist, gynaecologist, paediatrician, psychiatrist and nursing staff
  • Provision of psychosocial support services with social workers and a psychologist
  • Provision of medical care, prevention and health promotion through a mobile medical unit
  • Provision of case management, outreach and social inclusion services where appropriate, in cooperation and complementarity with local institutions of the National Health and Social Protection System



29A Ptolemaion Street – inside the lodge, Postal Code 546 30

For appointment scheduling: 2310.56.66.41

Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 16:30



57 Lagkada & Dimitriou Galanaki Str, Postal Code 546 29

For appointment scheduling: 2316.009.060

For appointment scheduling: 2310.56.66.41