Development of a mechanism to assess the need for psychological first aid in teenage students
The OP.E.N project (2021-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000050953) aims to create a modernised and adapted mental health first aid tool and guide for education professionals (e.g. teachers, school administrators and support staff) and parents-representatives of parents’ associations to identify and respond immediately to mental health emergencies. Therefore, the ultimate aim of the project is to promote a framework for a safer school environment.
Moreover, four organisations in three countries of the European Union imlement the project: Médecins du Monde (Greece), Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), Citizens in Power (Cyprus), Syncnify (France). Within the framework of the above partnership, Médecins du Monde, as the Coordinating Organisation, aims through the implementation of the project to institutionalise early identification systems for psychosocial problems in the school community, to enhance positive interaction between the various actors of the school community and to strengthen and promote psychosocial care policies in the context of school operation.

The project OP.E.N (2021-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000050953) “Developing a Tool to assess the need for Psychological First Aid to adolescents school pupils” is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union under action KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education and is supervised by the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY), which has the role of National Coordination Unit for the Education and Training sectors of the Erasmus+ European Program 2021-2027. The project is implemented by a consortium of four civil society organisations from Greece ( Médecins du Monde – Project Coordinator), France (Syncnify) and Cyprus (Cyprus University of Technology and Citizens In Power).