Open Democracy in a Society of Solidarity
Médecins du Monde – Greece, in collaboration with volunteers of the organization and with the support of the US Embassy in Greece and the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund, launch the implementation of the new program entitled: O.D.I.SO.S Open Democracy in a Society of Solidarity.
The O.D.I.SO.S project aims to utilize the dynamics of empathy and solidarity created by the Ukrainian crisis in Greece (in Europe and in the world in general) to improve the reception and social care conditions for all vulnerable populations on the move, thus contributing to the promotion of democratic practices and the promotion and safeguarding of humanitarian values.
The activities of the project aim at strengthening the democratic, educated and responsible participation of the actors (CSOs, governmental bodies, local authorities, local communities) involved in meeting the basic needs of refugees from Ukraine, allowing the exchange of expertise and knowledge for the improvement of the reception and living conditions of people fleeing from Ukraine in Greece, as well as of all displaced populations seeking refuge in Greece in general.
The project involves training volunteers and frontline professionals, people working in the humanitarian sector, especially in health, social care, psychosocial assistance, etc., in order to upgrade and deepen their technical understanding and knowledge of participatory, community-based approaches and policies to safeguard the interests of the vulnerable groups they serve.
Furthermore, in the framework of the O.D.I.SO.S program and in order to raise awareness about the refugee crisis from Ukraine, a photo exhibition and thematic discussions (in Athens and Thessaloniki) will be organized where photographic material and narratives from the recent work of MdM-Greece in the border region of Romania, as well as within Ukraine, will be presented.
The project has a total duration of 12 weeks with an implementation period from 01.12.2022 until 28.02.2023.