The Night Shelter for the Homeless of Médecins du Monde in the Municipality of Athens operates daily to meet the urgent housing and living needs of the homeless and with the ultimate goal of promoting and strengthening their social integration through the provision of comprehensive psychosocial and other support services.
In particular, the “Night Shelters” are emergency shelters that operate only during the night and cover urgent housing needs of those living on the streets. They provide overnight accommodation, personal care and hygiene services, psychosocial support and links to other support services and programmes.
Through the operation of the Night Shelter, Médecins du Monde aims to:
- The direct provision of basic goods, support services and the improvement of the quality of life of homeless people.
- The strengthening of social cohesion and the prevention of phenomena of marginalization and social exclusion.
The facility can serve 55 beneficiaries per day and offers accommodation to men and women (mixed shelter) over 18 years old in separate rooms. Accommodation is provided in shared rooms, with the possibility of separately accommodating people in emergency situations.
The following services are provided to support homeless people during their stay in the Night Shelter:
- Safe overnight stay
- Personal hygiene and cleanliness
- Hot baths
- Distribution of personal hygiene products
- Washing – drying clothes
- Distribution of clean new clothing/clothing
- Distribution of small meals (snacks) and hot drinks (coffee, tea),
- Provision of social counselling
- Psychological support
- Nursing care
- Information on social rights
- Linkage and referral in cooperation with public institutions, health structures, free legal aid organisations, other support networks
- Provision of health care and medical follow-up through the MdM Open Polyclinic
- Integration actions in other accommodation facilities and OPEKA programmes
- Social integration actions (reconnection with family/supportive environment, finding a job – completing a CV, integration in educational/training programmes)
The beneficiaries of the Night Shelter are homeless people residing in Greece, who lack access or have precarious access to an adequate owned, rented or provided housing that meets the necessary technical specifications and has basic water and electricity services. Homeless persons include in particular those living on the streets, in hostels, those living temporarily in institutions or other closed facilities, and those living in unsuitable accommodation.
Requests for accommodation are submitted by the relevant public services, other agencies, street work groups or individually. All requests are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the vulnerability of applicants where necessary and ensuring transparency in the selection of beneficiaries.
Applications can be submitted electronically by email:
Appointments can be scheduled by telephone at 2105246920 or at 2103213150

The project “Continuation of the Operation of a Homeless Facility in the Municipality of Athens: Night Shelter for th Homeless in the Municipality of Athens” with MIS Code 6002269 in the Regional Programme “Attica” 2021-2027, is co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).