He.Ro.ES – Targeted actions for an equal and inclusive society
The Laboratory of Intercultural Education of the School of Philosophy of the University of Athens (EKPA / EDA), together with Médecins du Monde Greece and the Postgraduate Programme of Studies “Global Health-Disaster Medicine” of the School of Medicine of the University of Athens (EKPA / MSc in Medicine) implement the Action He.Ro.ES: Healthy Roma in an Equal and Inclusive Society with co-funding from EEA Grants and national resources of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
The action entitled He.Ro.ES aims to promote equal treatment, education and lifelong learning, personal and public health and ultimately the socio-economic integration and active participation of Roma in social life, in line with the EU Council Recommendation on Roma equality, inclusion and participation, as well as the National Strategy for Roma Social Inclusion 2021 – 2030.
The ultimate goal of He.Ro.ES is to contribute to the empowerment of women and young Roma, enabling them to interact with other members of Greek society on equal terms and to claim their individual, social and political rights.
Moreover, in the framework of the implementation of targeted actions for the empowerment of the community, a multifaceted informative educational programme is being conducted, combining the areas of experience and expertise of the collaborating institutions, adapted to the needs, skills and wishes of the Roma themselves, as expressed by the community itself.
The Association of Partners for the implementation of the Action includes the following entities:
- The Laboratory of Intercultural Education (Coordinating Partner)
- The MSc “Global Health – Disaster Medicine” (Implementing Partner)
- The Non-Profit Association “MdM-Greece” (Implementing Partner)
- The Association of Greek Roma Mediators and its Associates
- The association “New Horizons of Greek Roma” in the Municipality of Gerakas
- The Social Services – Roma Branch of the Municipality of Spata – Artemis
- The Community Centre – Roma Branch of the Municipality of West Achaia
- The 3rd PEKES of Attica and
- The Health Centre of the Municipality of Aspropyrgos
Through the He.Ro.ES Action, the cooperating institutions aim to prevent and combat stereotypes and discrimination against Roma, while aiming to enhance their equal access to basic services and goods, such as education and health. At the same time, emphasis is also placed on promoting the psychosocial resilience of Roma – and especially women – with the aim of empowering them to overcome their social exclusion and actively participate in the social and economic life of the place.
The technical contribution of the Task Force for “Supporting the Social Integration and Empowerment of Roma” of the Predefined Action 1 of the Programme “Social Integration and Empowerment of Roma” of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and co-funded by the EEA Grants is also valuable in the implementation.
The action entitled He.Ro.ES is implemented under the project Small Grant Scheme 1 “Empowerment of Roma Women and Young Roma” of the “Social Integration and Empowerment of Roma” Programme of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and benefits from a grant of [. …] from the EEA Grants (European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021), representing the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
Implementation period: 01.04.2023 – 31.03.2024